Fan Photos on the Streets of New York
by Gingersnap | | September 14, 2018

According to this fan on social media, production was shooting Billions on her block in the neighborhood of Carnegie Hill, New York on Friday, September 14, 2018. Then this fan tweeted:
“Nice to bump into
@lewis_damian in New York tonight@SHO_Billions#billions“

And finally, another fan reported on Twitter that Billions was filming that evening:
Excellent dinner at Sparks Steak House for my first night in NY. Then come out to find they’re filming a scene for Billions. So, @lewis_damian, what time at @Carra23’s bar in the morning for the @LFC game?
— Nathan Phillips (@nathp) September 15, 2018
We can’t wait for season 4! #TeamAxe